Directed by Shashi Sudigala, Mona Darling is a millennial horror-thriller movie, which explains the side-effects of the emerging cyber-virtual world featuring Anshuman Jha, Suzanna Mukherjee, Divya Menon and Sanjay Suri. The story revolves around a leading college campus where some mysterious deaths are occurring when the people accept a Facebook friend request from a fake profile ‘Mona_Darling’. This unknown Facebook friend request from a missing girl is linked to sudden deaths in this college campus. The police are befuddled by it and the missing girl’s best friend tries to get to the bottom of this with help from her geeky pal.Mona is missing, and her friend Sarah (Suzanna Mukherjee) takes the help of her geeky friend, Wiki (Anshuman Jha) to find out about this cyber-crime. Together, they figure out many horrific revelations, and it takes a terrifying turn when they find out the real truth.