
Directed by Shashi Sudigala, Mona Darling is one of the most contrived and artificially cloying experiences of recent times. It is a movie which has an ambition to manipulate, but fails miserably. The film begins with a dire introductory scene which establishes the campus of the Indian School of Technology, where boys are desperate to have some fun. A skimpily clad girl runs around the campus till she reaches her boyfriend's room, entices him and, mysteriously, the boyfriend as also a few other boys are murdered. Mona Darling is a movie with a splash of supernatural powers, set in a college campus somewhere in India where a few mysterious deaths occur. The only common link between the victims is that, seconds before their deaths, they all accepted a 'Facebook friend request' from a certain profile page named ‘Mona Darling’. Shot mostly in a single location, the movie makes an attempt to capture the present zeitgeist of young India and its obsession with social networking. The first half of the movie is pretty slow and hardly picks up its pace in the second half. The second half leads towards a trashy type of ending, which could have been presented in a much dignified manner. The makers try hard to create the curiosity factor, but fails miserably. The suspense part is predictable. There is not even a single scary scene or even a mild shocker in the movie. Everything is slow and dragging. The thriller part is highly missing and is more of a wait and watch type of drama. The background music is jarring at times. The whole purpose of the film is diluted due to forced inquisitiveness in the film. All in all, 'Mona Darling' is a movie where the makers itself are confused whether to call it a horror film or a thriller film. Not recommended at all!

Mona Darling
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