The film revolves around the lead protagonists Vikram (Rajneesh Duggal), Guru G (Prem Chopra) & Shanti (Saisha Sehgal). Guru G, under the garb of a pious spiritual guru, is running a black money operation through his ashram with help from his trusted devotee Billu (Ashutosh Rana) & Julia (Bruna Abdullah). With the newly formed government carrying out several crackdowns on black money holders, Guru G gets worried about his fortune and decides to shift it to a new 'ashram' he is planning on relocating to. His devotees, who also play crucial roles in the film, set out to save the money but fall prey to the plans of the police and government.


The film goes on to show how all the characters get involved in a huge con mystery resulting in a funny and dramatic climax.

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