
‘Jodi Breakers’ is an innovative experience for Hindi moviegoers because of the fact that a majority of our films are about people falling in love, but this one is about a pair that specializes in separation. It tells you to break the shackles and find a path of your own, after love goes wrong. Though Director Ashwini Chaudhary doesn't get a grip of things, except in a couple of sequences, but the twist and turns in the post-interval portions are of an interesting variety, with a major chunk of the second hour succeeding in making you erase whatever misgivings you may have had from the first hour. It has an engrossing and smartly executed second half that tilts scales in its favor. The right dose of drama and romance, besides a trendy, harmonious musical score, only act as toppings is what ‘Jodi Breakers’ posses. All in all, the flick is a mixed bag! It's like watching two different films in those two hours. A must watch!

Jodi Breakers
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