The movie begins in the posh neighbourhoods of the capital, New Delhi, where 24 year old Jatin is planning a road trip up north with his buddies Harvinder (a.k.a. Harry) and Rohan. For Jatin, the endearing young groom-to-be, this could be the last such youthful indulgence before he gets tied down (quite literally) by bride-to-be Tamanna, who is a bratty, high society number, gleefully building on her idea of a 'perfect' life starting with a 'perfect' wedding. While the hardly-perfect Jatin's 'love' is one of much labour, Harry's hopeless quest for love (or something like it) lands the happy-go-lucky Sardar in positions he had only dreamt of. Rohan, usually the voice of reason amongst the three, is going through a rough patch with his long-time boyfriend, and hopes to get some much needed fresh air and good old guy fun with his buddies in the mountains. Enter, the wild child; Natasha. The reckless daughter of this tale, who kick-starts it all with (what Jatin assumes is) a one-night stand after the bachelor party, followed by numerous meetings; some coincidental, others deliberate, driving our hero deeper into a dilemma between 'duty' and 'love' that only gets worse as there are revelations that leave everyone stunned. Completing this complicated picture, are Deepa and Harsh, a good-humoured, dynamic couple in their mid-thirties, much in love, with much to teach this young bunch, who in turn not only adore and admire the two, but even envy how perfectly they complement each other as companions. Love blossoms as it only can in the snow-laden valleys of Himachal, at the summit of which is the NGO Aashray, run by the couple to create awareness about HIV/AIDS, which somehow becomes a mid-point for all adventure and misadventure, where newer bonds are formed, just as older ones weaken. Whether through drunken nights or impromptu dance lessons, through intense arguments and intimate moments, Jatin and Natasha find themselves hopelessly drawn towards each other. The story draws to a climax when Jatin comes face to face with a secret that Natasha has been battling for a while. The news sends Jatin's already unsettled life, completely topsy-turvy, as his love is replaced by a bewildered hate, in spite of Natasha's efforts to clear his misunderstandings. It is when his self realisation take over his misbelieves, that he finally gives her a listen, and the true nature of the events is revealed. Jatin is ashamed of his failure to trust her, and embarks on one final trip to Aashray; to claim his love, without any more fear. With the help of Harsh and Deepa, Jatin and his friends embrace a unique outlook towards life, one of positivity and a fighting spirit, and of love that conquers all.